7 LEAVE MARGIN BLANK 5 The larva of the large white butterfly obtains most of its carbohydrates in the form of starch stored in the leaves that it eats. The adult eats only nectar which is a solution of sugars. S (a) Explain the benefits of storing carbohydrates in the form of starch. (2 marks) (b) Explain why nectar is an adequate diet for the adult butterfly.
Gente. Ernesto Martín Peris ( Paperback Published 09 Jun 2003. Marketplace Notify me GENTE &AUD CD&GRAM&ACT MNL&ACTV&ANSW&VID PK
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Books Ernesto Martin Peris. Ernesto Martin Peris Average rating 3.76 25 ratings 3 reviews shelved 117 times Showing 30 distinct works. Previous 1 2 3 next sort Gente & Aud CD& Gram& ACT Mnl& Actv& Answ& VID Pk . Ernesto Martin Peris, Neus Sans Baulenas.
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GENTE &AUD CD&GRAM&ACT MNL&ACTV&ANSW&VID PK: Ernesto Martin Peris, Neus Sans Baulenas: Libros.
GENTE &AUD CD&GRAM&ACT MNL&ACTV&ANSW&VID PK: Ernesto Martin Peris, Neus Sans Baulenas.
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